“Creature from the Black Lagoon” is a 1954 American black-and-white 3D monster horror film directed by Jack Arnold. The screenplay, written by Harry Essex and Arthur Ross, is based on a story by Maurice Zimm. The film features a cast including Richard Carlson, Julia Adams, Richard Denning, Antonio Moreno, Nestor Paiva, and Whit Bissell.
The plot centers around a group of scientists who encounter an amphibious humanoid in the Amazon waters. Known as the Gill-man, this mysterious creature is portrayed by Ben Chapman on land and Ricou Browning underwater. “Creature from the Black Lagoon” premiered in Detroit on February 12, 1954, and had regional releases on various dates.
Filmed in 3D, the movie originally used polarized light projection. Audiences wore viewers with gray polarizing filters, similar to today’s common 3D glasses. While the 3D film trend of the 1950s had peaked by mid-1953, the movie was also shown in 2D format. In 1975, it was re-released in red-and-blue anaglyph 3D for theaters and later on Beta and VHS videocassettes
Getting your own Creature from the Black Lagoon
“Discover the legendary ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon’—a fascinating aquatic humanoid found on Temu. View the captivating picture and explore more about this mysterious creature. Plus, support our content by using the monetized link: https://sovrn.co/42491ed. Your use of these links helps us create more engaging articles. Thank you!”
Reading some of the reviews people loved it, here are some 5-star reviews I selected:
"Love this. Read the size so you are aware. It's not tiny, big either. It's soft, so it doesn't scratch. I am waiting for other characters' availability and will be purchasing more."
"I used this creature as part of the theme I did for the classic horror theme I have going on, he is on my classic DVD horror movie shelf, and he looks amazing! he is latex or something and a bit moldable, I used sticky tape to secure him to the shelf. I think he looks awesome!!"
"Thought it would be a bit bigger but I really like it. It is very well-made and sturdy. Would buy it again. I love it, Looks great"
In one of the reviews, the person put it above a doorway, which gives you an idea of scale.
One review mentioned a smell and could not see if it's safe to submerge in ponds or water features or if it's good for all weather and it's not listed as a garden feature.
There was also a second one I found, a little more expensive but maybe a better design: 1pc Creature From The Black Lagoon Figure, Lizard Man Statue, Foam Horror Wall Art, 32.5cm x 15.5cm, Universal Monsters Collectible, Home & Garage Decor
Actually, taking a deep dive into Temu I found a number of them, searching Temu for Classic Movie Monsters showed me about 5 on the first page and all around $30 CAN
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